Therapeutic Recreation Services
Rosedale Home uses a therapeutic approach to recreation and leisure programming. This approach is rooted in the goal of honoring each person’s story and empowering them to make their own choices about their lifestyle. Programs are offered from a person-centred approach, providing meaningful engagement, and promoting their own personal purpose in life.
Helping our residents live better means engaging and involving them in everything we do. Rosedale Home provides social and recreational services seven days a week – including holidays. Our programs are designed to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of our residents. All activities are developed, organized, and led by qualified staff and we offer both group and individualized services to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each resident. Below is a list of some of the goals the Department of Therapeutic Recreation strives for:
- Enhanced quality of life
- Reduce Feeling of Loneliness
- Reduce anxiety
- Assist in reminiscence
- Enhances socialization with other residents and staff members
- Increases physical activity
- Provides sensory stimulation
Some of the Activities include:
- Narrative Program
- Sensory Stimulation Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Pet Therapy
- iPod Program
- Intergenerational Programs
- Outings
Download our Monthly Activities Calendar.

Spiritual Care Services
To meet the spiritual needs of our residents, worship services are held every Tuesday afternoon and are available for a variety of religious denominations. Inter-denominational spiritual programs provided within our home include hymn sings, bible study, and memorial services.
Therapeutic care
Our home offers a wide range of physiotherapy, cognitive, speech and occupational therapies according to the needs of our residents.
Contact a resident
This service is intended as a way for friends and family members of Rosedale residents to keep in touch with their loved one. Email sent to residents will be printed and delivered on the next business day. Time sensitive information should not be sent by email.
For any inquires or questions, please feel free to contact us directly